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Cascade IT has a backup solution with Ninja RMM, the best

 in data backup solutions and cloud continuity services 

in the industry. It works like this…

Does Your Business Have...

A copy of your data?

Offsite storage?

A process to recover your network, files, cloud services, servers, SaaS, and website if a failure occurs?

A recovery plan that allows for minimal downtime when your network fails?

Does Your Business Need...

Backup success verification daily?

A true business continuity plan that will keep you up and running in case disaster strikes?

Fast and efficient data recovery with minimal downtime?

The ability to approach daily management with confidence knowing that your network can be fully recovered regardless of the level of disruption?

Datto backs up 
entire systems.

Files are stored locally and 
transmitted offsite.

All backups are 
tested automatically.

The user-friendly interface allows employees to regain access to their files quickly.

Datto uses image software to recreate your entire failed system with little to no downtime required.

Datto uses image software to recreate your entire failed system with little to no downtime required.

How Will Disaster Recovery and Business Contiuity 

Solutions ProtnectYour Business?

Our partner, Datto, is a true business continuity solution, not just a backup service. Datto allows you the ability to continue your business operations with access to your data despite a network failure. All your backups are tested regularly, to ensure that your data will be available and accessible in case of a disaster.

Datto has a short recovery time objective and a recovery point that allows you access to all your data, including the most recent, in little to no time.

Why Choose Cascade as Your

 Datto Service Provider?

We are a Datto Blue Diamond Partner

This high level of partnership allows us to provide a higher level of support through access to certain technical support functions that other managed IT service providers do not have.

Our Vice President, Kyle Hamilton, is a current member of Datto’s Global Advisory Board.

Datto Service Provider

Want to learn more about how you can maximize your data 

protection and business continuity services?

We would be happy to discuss how Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Solutions can specifically add value to your unique business needs. Contact us today for a no obligation discovery call with one of experts to discuss your options and receive recommendations.

Let's Talk

Ready to Boost Your Business?

We're here to supercharge your IT. Whether you're:

* Struggling with tech headaches
* Looking to scale your infrastructure
* Worried about cybersecurity threats

Our team of experts is just a call away. Let's chat about how we can transform your technology from a burden into your biggest business advantage.

No pressure, no obligations—just a friendly conversation about
your needs and how we might help.

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